Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Groundhog Day!

We flew to Rarotonga yesterday and arrived the day before we set off, how cool is that?!! So now instead of being 13 hours ahead of London we're 10 hours behind you - it takes some getting your head around doesn't it? But please God I don't end up waking up where I was this morning. It said it was a 'boutique' hotel but was actually more like a Youth Hostel - nightmare! Especially at 10pm + when everything was closed. At least there was fizz in the fridge and even though we had drunk more than enough on the plane we opened that to drown our sorrows.
BUT if I wake up everyday where I am now...I will be a happy girl. They say that Aitutaki is the best place in the world and you think yeah yeah that's tourist talk but actually flying in and you see the lagoon all around the island and then arrive here it really is paradise.
I was hoping to post a photo but am having to use the computer at the hotel - hopefully tomorrow. We have swum in the lagoon and Robert has snorkelled and seen lots of fish including an electric blue starfish. I am a wimp and don't like anything over my face (!) but even I can see everything if I wear my goggles and breathe in!
It's worth checking out the Pacific Resort Aitutaki on Google just to see the lagoon


LilacRose said...

It must be a Brook thing - water on the face and all that!! Anyway, Robert has snorkelled and seen some amazing things. I get the impression from your Blogs that things have been very mixed in the way of quality, but suppose that values are different in various parts of the world - but hey you have seen those parts of the world!!! By the way Isabel has got into Rastrick and is delighted so she can start to eat again (bless her - she has been so worried!!) Will Google to see lagoon. Love you xxxxxxx

Kabby said...

March 1st and while you two are in probably one of the most beautiful locations in the world (apologies to Carlsberg for stealing their line !)- I am in a seedy bedroom ( sorry Jayne!) trying to post my second blog comment ever - now if this posts can you stay away for another month please .......if not well you'll never know will you !!!


Love the Browns xxxx