Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Room with a View!

Sadly you'll just have to imagine the view for the moment, bit of a glitch with the photo!
Have been on a cruise of the lagoon today - ANOTHER boat trip! I must admit that after around 11 times on a boat this holiday I was feeling a bit boated out before we set off, but it was truly fantastic. I know I keep going on about this but the water is the most amazing range of shades from pale turquoise to almost a jade. It is so peaceful and just the most perfect place to relax. We had to weave our own plates out of palm leaves on th journey. Mine was crap, Robert had to bail me out -again! (Not literally obviously, the boat was perfectly safe!) And One-Foot Island where we ate lunch was a real desert island and very hot! We've got a stamp in our passport to prove we've been there though.
There seems to be a flourishing amount of wildlife on Aitutaki; goats on the roadside, hens running around the hotel and even falling asleep under the table on our deck, and the funniest big crabs around. One bit of wildlife decided to share our bedroom last night - Gordon Gecko was tip-tapping under the beams against the rattan ceiling. Not a problem. Until it croaked from a point right behind us at which point I flew out of bed shouting 'OhmyGodOhmyGod!' and it took ages before I could get back to sleep. Mind you it probably shocked the poor gecko quite a bit too!I didn't even know they could make a noise.


Ian Sanders said...

wow, i just looked up Aitutaki at and it looks pretty special.

are we jealous? you bet!

LilacRose said...

Hope you haven't had to eat off your home-made plate!! Can't wait to see your holiday pics - you'll probably have thousands by now. By the way, watch the crabs!! xxxxx