Sunday, January 14, 2007

These boots are made for....

I am finally getting my head round the fact that we're going to be going away for 6 weeks in ooh...9 days time. I'm even getting (and whisper this softly) a little bit excited about the whole thing. But I'm going to be homesick I know. So what am I going to miss the most - my family, my fab friends, my lovely home 20 pairs of boots!! I mean come on - I'm missing 6 weeks of British boot-wearing weather, what a waste! I'm toying with the idea of taking a token pair (or 3 ) with me....swinging in a hammock in a bikini and a nice pink pair, or maybe tramping through the rainforest in my leopard print flatties. And don't tell me I can stock up on a traditional pair of Aussie Uggs...not really my style darling!


Marc said...

Dear Robert & Fiona,

Have a good holiday! I see that Fiona has not just packed 2 pairs of boots for herself but also Robert's boots (first pair from the left and second pair from the right)!


Marc & Nancy

marilyn and david said...

Well Fiona,maybe the only solution to the love of boots is to develop a new love for flip flops! But boots for protection from snakes, that is scary!
Have fun packing. Marilyn.

susan and fi said...

Hi Fiona,
Just to let you know that we are loving the leopard print boots!! xx love susan and fi

Cooklets said...

Julie:I nearly bought some Ugg boots and now she is so glad she didn't!!!
Eddie:Did the suitcase vacuming work?

Kabby said...

How are you coping without the boots .... not you Robert !

Kabby's up & running ... you'll be sorry !

Luv the Browns X