These are 2 pics from yesterday - Hot Water Beach and a beach which sums up New Zealand so far - blue sea, white sands and empty!
Drove to Rotorua today - more twisty roads, more forests etc. A couple of things struck us though: since we've been in NZ we've seen a lot more cows than sheep, strange when you never hear about New Zealand Beef. I love cows so I'm always happy to see them but some look terribly bony, that makes me very sad. Also at some picnic areas there were lots of hens running about. Where did they come from? Very odd.
Rotorua is one of the busiest places we've been to yet and a bit of a mish-mash - a long street of shops, bars and restaurants and then a huge lakefront with nothing. That's the best bit because it's nice and quiet.And my God the smell - a waft of sulphur hits you as you drive in and never seems to leave. It's the area of lots of underground activity - geysers, mud pools and the like, that's why everyone comes here I guess.
I had intended to have a run in the gym but felt a bit knackered so went for a swim instead, then we tried one of the private geothermal baths. Now that WAS an experience. It looks like a deep murky pool but actually the water is clear it just has millions of bits of ash floating about in it. And you should have smelt us when we go out! Now I'm not sure what effect the water is supposed to have but sadly I look just the same as I did when I went in. I don't think I'll ever smell the same again though!
Hi guys.
what a coincidence. i saw a friend of mine today who told me about a round the world trip he did 3 years ago: Vegas, Fiji, NZ, Singapore.
And in NZ, they went to Rotorua and they were just reminiscing about the terrible smells of sulphur.
and then I read that's where you are now.
small world (kinda).
laters xxx
Hi you two smelly intrepid travellers - how long have you been away!! Seems like ages to us. You must now start using Channel to cover up the dreadful aroma. Are there really underground nasties or has Robert been eating too many greens?!! NZ seems like a different experience - but they need some lessons on 'room service'. Does it really take 5 hours to change a bed? I can do it in 2 .......mins!!! Missing you lots. Look forward to next BLOG love you xxxxxxxxxx
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