We've been in Sydney for 2 days now, so what have we been up to? Well, we've been on a harbour cruise, walked miles across the city (the only way to see anywhere), had fizz outside the Opera House and watched people braver than ourselves climbing Harbour Bridge, we had a fab meal with Jane and her family on her terrace with the city spread out beneath us. We've seen a koala at last, explored The Rocks and done some shopping (well it would be rude not to!)
I love it here because a) anything goes at any time - from the tiniest shorts to the full works with stilletoes (although I've told Robert 'no' to those) b) people commute on boats, how cool is that? c) it seems quite normal for people to be drinking at 10.30 in the morning although (and Nigel I'm talking to you here) I haven't done that myself and d) everyone really does say 'no worries' all the time - and means it.
I will be really really sad to leave here tomorrw. 3 nights hasn't been long enough.
So to the title. Well apparently U2 always stay here at the Park Hyatt whenever they are in town so as we were havng breakfast I said to Robert 'I wonder if there's anyone famous here at the moment' and literally 2 minutes later who should sit next to us but David Walliams and the very attractive actress in 'Neighbours' who used to be a nun (I think, I don't watch it). Now she WAS gorgeous, but...You see I'm not too much of a Laydee to dish the dirt!
You're letting us down. When in Rome and all that? If the natives start supping at 10am then you owe it to yourself, and to the rest of us as a representative of Blighty, to immerse yourself in their customs! Now get quaffing, girl!
We're loving your pics. Bex wants a koala. Could you slip one in your hand luggage?
Love and hugs
Jennie, etc. xxx
Paparazzi you !
Sounds like Sydney is a swinging place maybe there is somewhere in the world you like better than London ?!!!!
We think Robert would look great in stilletoes (what you were talking about you ... oh !).
Love the Browns' X
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