(Never sure whether there's supposed to be an apostophe there or not!)
It's easy to see why they call Auckland 'the city of sails' there are boats wherever you look, from very small yachts, through what they term 'super yachts' (stonking great things - definitely my idea of what a boat should be like) through to massive cruise liners which dwarf the surroundng buildings (my idea of what a nightmare boat looks like!) We sailed around the harbour this afternoon: I kind of like seeing what a city looks like from the water. It's a nice city but not one you could spend a week in. We did discover a nice district called Parnell this morning. It was a longish walk to get there, but worth it. Lots of lovely little boutiques, wine bars and restaurants down hidden little passages. It's a pity it's not nearer to our hotel because that's definitely where we'd be dining this evening. As it is we're maybe going to one of the restaurants on the harbour. The first sign of any red roses though and I'm out of there!
It's been great to hear from so many of you today - a phone call from Pam and Geoff was a nice surprise this morning, the posting from Serena and a very funny Blue Mountain card from Chris and Nigel. Thank you all. You've made Robert slightly older than he actually is because it's not his birthday until Friday, but he was thrilled anyway!
Moving on to Bay of Islands for a couple of nights tomorrow.
Hope you all have a lovely day.
Hello guys and Happy Early Birthday Robert! A case of Early Birthdays and Late Blog Postings as I "lost" Fiona's original invite to join the blog ("yeah, i'll be too busy for all that" I thought) and then when I wanted to join in and make a comment i was flatly refused "You are not a team member" it said. Well I am now.
Anyway, have enjoyed reading your exploits Fiona .Although you did tell me your itinerary before you went I kinda got confused (well my memory 'aint what it used to be) so I forgot you were going to NZ. I guess it's a case of "If it's Tuesday we must be in NZ"?. Anyway, do remind us in your next posting everywhere else you are going so when you come back we can appear suitably informed as to the details of where you've been!
Of course we don't actually know that you are in KL, Australia, NZ etc. It could be one huge scam like that movie where the Americans pretended they sent a space mission to Mars but the crew just went to a film lot in the desert in California and sent pictures from there. So who knows, perhaps you and Robert are really just holed up in a hotel in The Cotswolds with a globe, a bunch of Google Images of all the places you "have visited" and a few guide books (yeah and a case of champagne)!
Far fetched?! well you never know, you are a WRITER after all Fiona! So in next posting some gratuitous photographs of the author please standing in front of verifiable landmarks!
A Bientot
Hi you guys down under! Thinking about you and hoping you are having a wonderful time. Everything looks wonderful. It certainly looks like a one-off experience!! Happy birthday Bobby! it's funny to think that time is so different (can't get my head round it really). You'll have pressies when you get back. Did you get roses for valentine's Day?! Izzy got a rose and cake from William (how sweet). Looking forward to your next BLOG. Love you and miss you lots. xxxxxxxxx
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